The Access to Awareness Master Course: Ten two-hour sessions.
This one-on-one course is designed to release behaviors that are a limit to what
is possible. In this course I will guide you
to see your blind spots. When you see that which imprisons you, you will gain freedom to pursuit the extraordinary.
Over the course of 10 sessions, we will look at how you constructed your ego from the age of 2 until now. We will closely examine your network of beliefs, social and cultural judgments, and assumptions about yourself and the world. You will see how those ideas have become constraints on your life. And through this awareness and the practical tools Sophie shares with you, you will gain access to being the master of your ego from this point forward. The result, once delivered from the constraints of your ego you will be at liberty to engage in the pursuit of the extraordinary.
The Access to Awareness Master Course: Ten two-hour sessions.
This one-on-one course is designed to release behaviors that are a limit to what
is possible. In this course I will guide you
to see your blind spots. When you see that which imprisons you, you will gain freedom to pursuit the extraordinary.
Over the course of 10 sessions, we will look at how you constructed your ego from the age of 2 until now. We will closely examine your network of beliefs, social and cultural judgments, and assumptions about yourself and the world. You will see how those ideas have become constraints on your life. And through this awareness and the practical tools Sophie shares with you, you will gain access to being the master of your ego from this point forward. The result, once delivered from the constraints of your ego you will be at liberty to engage in the pursuit of the extraordinary.
How Sophie Works
How Sophie Works
“My interest is in the nature of what it means to be human.”
Designed to help you gain clarity on a wide range of topic of interest, you will enjoy a judgment-free and intimate space where you will focus on who you are versus the roles you play in life.You will realize that awareness is within reach and you will feel empowered to take it on as a way of life.
“My interest is in the nature of what it means to be human.”
Designed to help you gain clarity on a wide range of topic of interest, you will enjoy a judgment-free and intimate space where you will focus on who you are versus the roles you play in life.You will realize that awareness is within reach and you will feel empowered to take it on as a way of life.
“My interest is in the nature of what it means to be human.”
Designed to help you gain clarity on a wide range of topic of interest, you will enjoy a judgment-free and intimate space where you will focus on who you are versus the roles you play in life.You will realize that awareness is within reach and you will feel empowered to take it on as a way of life.
CITY: New York
DATE: September XX, 2018 09:00am to 12pm
TOPIC: Mastering Awareness
10 people
Join Sophie for this unique opportunity to explore awareness. Led with humor and compassion, this workshop will connect you with the power that arises from letting go of your identifications, the source of all suffering. Sophie’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe awaken to an immeasurable free
CITY: New York
DATE: September XX, 2018 09:00am to 12pm
TOPIC: Mastering Awareness
10 people
Join Sophie for this unique opportunity to explore awareness. Led with humor and compassion, this workshop will connect you with the power that arises from letting go of your identifications, the source of all suffering. Sophie’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe awaken to an immeasurable free
CITY: New York
DATE: September XX, 2018 09:00am to 12pm
TOPIC: Mastering Awareness
10 people
Join Sophie for this unique opportunity to explore awareness. Led with humor and compassion, this workshop will connect you with the power that arises from letting go of your identifications, the source of all suffering. Sophie’s profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people around the globe awaken to an immeasurable free
Who is Sophie McLean
Who is Sophie McLean
Who is Sophie McLean
Sophie McLean
Mission Statement
We are Building the Foundation for a New Culture for Humankind by Calling into Being Exceptional Humans.
Our Vision
A Diverse Humanity Standing for Care, Equity, and Kinship for All, Without Anyone Left Out.
Our Principles and Values:
1- Integrity:
Distinct from morality, integrity is all, and only, about workability. It allows for simplicity and ease. When one can expect people to say, do, and be responsible for what they say and do, we will be able to trust each other. We will have created a solid foundation for a new culture.
2- Care:
Being caring includes compassion, kindness, generosity, and forgiveness. Inside of a culture of care, people's needs are met. No one is left out.
3- Gratitude:
Only by living in gratitude, will we have access to joy. Experiencing joy is the possibility of world peace, harmony, and the disappearance of anxiety. It allows us to be present to the mystery of life: beauty arises naturally.
4- Spiritual Awareness:
Once connected to who we really are, our soul essence can be expressed in the material world. Spiritual awareness includes curiosity, the experience of oneness, intuition, valuing all differences, authentic power, and imagination beyond the 5 senses.
5- Cohesiveness:
A new culture for humankind requires cooperation and collaboration. The material plane demands actions, synergy, and teamwork. Cohesiveness allows for profound results directed towards the wellbeing of all, as well as efficiency and sensitivity. Tapping into our global wealth, the profound abundance available to all of us, requires unity and equity, also knowns as fairness or balance.
About Us
Our Uniqueness
We are working to call into being a new kind of leadership, one of greatness and awareness. We believe that it can, and will, transform our existing culture of fear, conflict, confusion, and separateness.
We always reap what we sow:
Ordinary Humans will call forth a Substandard Global Culture.
Exceptional Humans will call forth a Remarkable Global Culture.
We believe that our world is crying out for Exceptional Humans.
Many of us know that we are the originator, the chooser of our lives. As leaders in our communities, we also know that our own unaddressed automatic patterns, survival mechanisms, embedded biases, limiting beliefs, fears, and blind spots not only holds us back in our personal lives, but can prevent us from fully stepping into the leadership roles we wish to embody.
There are many ways that we limit our own greatness:
By being stuck in the same pattern repeatedly and not finding the key to doing life differently.
By feeling lost, not knowing how to expand your reach, aware of a lack of direction, or by getting distracted from fulfilling your mission.
When hearing ‘the call’ to action, while not knowing how to answer it.
Because while business is going well, your personal life is not working (or vice versa), and you do not know how to bring abundance and harmony to all areas of life.
By being at the effect of the suffocating existing agreement in our society.
What makes our process different from other methods you may have seen?
What makes our work unique?
In the one-on-one process, Sophie will guide you, step-by-step, in seeing and addressing the very root of the patterns that hold you back and limit you in your life. Together, you will comb through your life, looking at exactly how and why you created your patterns and survival mechanisms by using an efficient, potent, and laser sharp methodology, backed by the scientific understanding of the various developmental stages in your childhood. These unconscious patterns control your life, prevent you from getting to another level, thwart you from leading with courage (from your heart), and keep you caged.
Surviving is not living, it is not thriving, and it is not leading with authentic power.
Through this process, you will gain a mastery of recognizing the trap of survival and will be able to ongoingly choose a life of awareness, intentionality, and purposefulness.
The above method, alone, is forever life-altering. But here is the truest, most unique gift of our work: the experience of the connection between your human and your soul.
That connection, that remembrance of who you really are, will be the fuel, the guidance, and the source of joy, integrity, and power for your life.
What really makes our work unique is going beyond the material gains of “being great” and accessing the guidance and intuition available to all of us.
That is true Greatness, the mark of an Exceptional Humans: learning to co-create with the universe, beyond the five senses, to fully fulfill on your soul intention.
This is life-altering, transformative work: a metamorphosis. These are not sessions that will simply make you “feel good” for a while only for you to go back to the same patterns. You will have awakened forever.
We pledge to serve and support all Exceptional Humans committed to a life of making a difference, to contribution, abundance, love, and greatness.
About Me
Bio and CV
As a Wisdom Teacher, I’ve spent the last 35 years leading transformational seminars and supporting over 80,000 people in remembering who they really are. As a top performing forum leader of Landmark Worldwide, I guided thousands in rigorous, life-transforming programs. When I left that organization 15 years ago, I went on a spiritual quest: meditating with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Ladakh, training with shamans in the Amazon Rainforest, studying with spiritual masters, as well as continuing on a more traditional path by getting two Master's degrees in Philosophy. In a nutshell, I fulfilled on my intention to align soul, mind, and body and to bring that holistic wisdom into my work and to my students.
The people that work with me are those unique beings that are committed to living life fully awakened versus sleepwalking their life away. If you are part of this rare breed who wants to get to the end of their lives having given it all, with no regret, then my work is for you.
In my life, I’ve had a lot of experiences and had the privilege of playing many roles. I’ve been a helicopter pilot, a designer, a relief worker, a war refugee, and a CEO. I’ve been shot at, shipwrecked, and widowed. I have two Masters degrees in philosophy, have written two books, I’ve worked for the United Nations, and have lived in several countries. Having lived through wars, peaceful times, tragic events, and inspiring demonstrations of human heroism, I am well prepared, and honored, to offer this essential program to a humanity longing for awakening.